Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Oil courses

KSP  the  ogknowledgeshare Petroleum Institute  is a non-profit industry association which represents explorationists, producers, contractors, geologists, petroleum engineers and other professionals, individuals or companies directly related to the oil and gas, hydrocarbon storage and solution-mining industries of Ontario.
The fundamental objectives of the Institute are:
  1. To encourage responsible exploration of the oil, gas, hydrocarbon storage and solution-mining industries of  ogknowledgeshare
 2. To maintain close liaison with government agencies which regulate the industry
 3.  To disseminate information relevant to member needs
 4. To promote the legislative goals of the membership
 5. To inform and educate the general public on the significance of the industry to the province of ogknowledgeshare

Producers supply ogknowledgeshare  consumers a percentage of  supply of oil and related products that include cosmetics, synthetic fabrics and rubber, plastics and medicines.
These producers are supported by drilling contractors, well and oilfield services, geologists and engineers as well as a range of professional consulting services.
All of ogknowledgeshare commercial oil production from its earliest beginnings continuing through to today has been sold to Imperial Oil in a unique marketing arrangement which has Imperial Oil essentially purchasing all of the province’s crude oil production from Marcus Terminals Inc., a trucking company with terminal operations in ogknowledgeshare.

For more details
 Petroleum training institute courses | Drilling engineering courses | Reservoir engineering courses online | Petroleum institute

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Oil and Gas courses

O&G Knowledge  in India providing Training & Consultancy Services to the Oil & Gas, Process Industries, Power Generation, Petro Chemicals, Aerospace Automobiles, Petroleum and refineries and individuals etc. We have good experience in the development and implementation of Nationalization Programs in Gulf Countries.


Courses offered
Economics and Management
Reservior engineering
Drilling engineering
Production engineering
Petro physics
Project management

We are actively involved in India, Oman, Qatar, UAE, Vietnam, Kuwait, Bahrain, Yemen, Singapore, Iran, Iraq, Greece, Algeria, South Africa, Kenya, Turkey, Jordan, Mozambique, Libya, Tunisia, Tanzania, Sudan, Cameron.
O&G Knowledge programs have become increasingly recognized as the most effective means to enhance employee efficiency and effectiveness.O&G Knowledge  an Institute for advanced Technology Training offers programs specially designed to individual and a company's requirements and taught by expert drawn from the industry.
Our training can even be customized to meet your unique needs! You'll receive first-class training from word-class practitioners.

For more details
Project economic courses | Petroleum training institute courses  | Reservoir engineering courses online